Posted by : Unknown
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
We are just a few hours away from the lunch of the Xbox One and gamers can't wait to get their hands on this next generation console which many anticipates to be ahead of other game console available. The new soon to be lunched Xbox One has lots of unique features which makes it stand out and today, we are taking a look at it's voice control commands. The voice command allows for users to carry out certain functions without having to leave their seat or push certain buttons and this gives gaming a new face. so without wasting much time of your time, here are the list of voice commands for the Xbox One game:
Xbox on - Wakes up Xbox One, can turn on television and cable/satellite set-top box
Xbox turn off - Puts Xbox One to sleep/off, can turn off television and cable/satellite set-top box. You'll have then confirm you want to turn it off with a "yes"
Xbox select - Shows voice command options for everything on the screen that is supported, highlighting relevant commands
Stop listening - Stops Kinect from listening or cancels voice commands if Kinect is triggered during casual conversation
Xbox help - Shows help menu with available options
Xbox sign in/out or Xbox sign in as [person] - Signs in/out an Xbox Live member
Xbox show notification - Shows on-screen notification(s)
Also the Xbox One is making a heavy play for TV and to do so, you'll need TV controls. Here are the commands:
Xbox watch TV - Launches cable or satellite TV from set-top box. We've used this a lot, it works really well
Xbox show guide or Xbox OneGuide - Launches OneGuide for cable or satellite TV subscribers. Less useful at the moment, as it's not coming to the UK until 2014
Xbox volume up/down Xbox mute/unmute - Controls volume of TV set or AV receiver, if enabled in the settings
Next without using your controller, you'll be wanting to get around the Xbox One interface. Here are commands needed for navigating around:
Xbox go Home or Xbox show my stuff - Returns to Home. This is the command you'll probably use the most
Xbox Snap [app] - Launches activity in Snap mode. This is great fun and works well.
Xbox unsnap - Unsnaps activity in Snap mode
Xbox switch - Switches focus of the activities in Snap mode and Fill mode
Xbox go to [activity] - Launches specific games, TV shows, apps, notifications and sections of the dash. This is a hugely important command, you'll use it a lot
Xbox show menu - In full screen: shows menu for whatever is on the screen. At Home: shows menu for whatever is in the current window
Xbox go back - Returns to previous screen or menu option
In games you'll probably use less commands, and more controller, although games like Zoo Tycoon offer plenty of voice control too. But the big ones relating to gaming are:
Xbox record that - Records the previous 30 seconds of gameplay, which is a great trick for catching those
Xbox start a party - Launches the Party app in Snap mode, although you can start the party at any time
Xbox use a code - Triggers Kinect code scanning for QR codes for game downloads, etc
Xbox pause/Xbox play - Pauses gameplay or resumes gameplay, meaning no more scrabbling for buttons when the phone rings
The Xbox one fancies itself as a complete media solution for your living room, so you'll be wanting to control your videos and music too. Here's what you need:
Xbox play [music/video] - Launches video and music playback
Xbox play/stop/pause/fast forward/rewind/faster/ slower/skip forward/skip backward/next song/ previous song - Controls for media playback, works on both music and video
Then you have Skype as a fully integrated feature. Here's what you need to say to get talking:
Xbox Skype [person] or Xbox call [person] - Launches Skype call to a person from your Skype favourites list on your Xbox One
Xbox answer/answer without video - Answers incoming Skype call
Xbox hang up - Ends Skype call
Xbox send message - Sends message to your Xbox Live friends
Then there are commands to help you search and use Internet Explorer:
Xbox Bing pause [item(s)] - Launches Bing, then searches for the game, movie, TV show, game add-on or app using conversational voice. We've found it to be a bit hit and miss
Browse to [website] - Browses to a specific website when already in Internet Explorer
Whilst on the topic of Internet Explorer, the browser actually contains a lot of dedicated commands for navigation which only apply when you're it's open, here's a couple of useful ones:
Scroll up/Scroll down - scrolls the page up or down
Click on [link] - clicks a link on the webpage
Lets hope this implemented voice control by Microsoft can achieve it's propose, what's your say?
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- Xbox One voice command list.