Posted by : Unknown Sunday 10 November 2013

Smartwatches are becoming the next big thing in the mobile market, and we have seen the likes of Samsung and Sony taking the lead in the production of this wearables, and different concept of what the much anticipated Apple smartwatch might look like,

 Samsung galaxy note3 and gear

Sony smartwatch

 But apparently, these company aren't the only ones with such plans as mobile phone giant Nokia has released its own smartwatch, the Lumia watch.

 The Nokia Lumia smartwatch

 The Nokia Lumia smartwatch comes abit different from other available smartwatches because they are very colourful much like the Lumia phones. From what we gathered, the Lumia watch will have an AMOLED display and runs a tweaked version of the Windows Phone platform as they're obviously designed to work with your Nokia Lumia handset or tablet. Users can view calls, messages, emails, facebook and twitter notifications, battery life and of course date and time. also there will be camera connection via Bluetooth and  a great feature is it's ability to be used under water like the Lumia phones.

 As we know Microsoft has recently purchased Nokia and this maybe the reason why the idea of smartwatch has arosed. What do you think about this beauty?

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